Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Bloating (flatulence) - causes, diagnosis and treatment 2

Another mechanism of flatulence is a violation of intestinal motility with the development of paresis after various operations on the abdominal cavity. Slowing down passage of food masses enhances fermentation and putrefactive processes with increased flatulence. The resulting gases are accumulating in the lumen of the intestine sticky, causing paroxysmal pain.

Various neurological disorders, emotional overload can also cause the development of flatulence. Overexcitation of the nervous system may cause spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine. At the same time slows peristalsis. Accumulating gases pererastyagivayut intestine and cause pain.

Hasty eating or talking while eating, bad habits (smoking and chewing gum) can also be a cause of flatulence. For all these states are swallowing air. Swallowed air may be an independent cause of flatulence, but in addition, it causes the death of anaerobic bacteria that leads to the development of dysbiosis and enhancing effects flatulentsii.

Accumulated in the intestine gases are foam with a lot of tiny bubbles, each surrounded by a layer of viscous mucus. This slimy foam, covered with a thin layer of surface mucosa, makes membrane digestion, reduces the activity of enzymes that breaks the assimilation of nutrients. Due to the fact that gas bubbles are surrounded by thick mucus, is disruptive to the absorption of gases by the intestinal wall. At the same time increasing their passage to the intestinal tube.

The basis of treatment of flatulence are a few guidelines. The main one is to eliminate, where possible, reasons for the increased gas production: correct diet, repair microbiocaenosis intestine, cure existing disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract, etc. Another principle is the actual removal of accumulated gases from the lumen of the intestine.

Currently, there are several groups of drugs, allowing to achieve certain results.

Firstly, it is drugs, normalize peristalsis and facilitate the speedy removal of gases from the intestines. These include, inter alia, include extracts of dill, fennel, cumin, prokinetics.

Secondly, it adsorbents. They are able to absorb excessive amounts of gas and with them excreted from the body. The best-known drugs of this group are activated carbon and Polyphepan.

Unfortunately, these drugs do not meet all the requirements for the treatment of flatulence. In the first case, a short carminative effect occurs after a considerable period of time after taking the drug. When using the adsorbents of the intestinal lumen, together with the gases may be removed by micro-organisms, minerals and vitamins, the lack of which subsequently have to compensate.

The third group of drugs used at the phenomena flatulentsii include defoamers. Action is based on the release of gases from the mucous membranes of the bubbles. Deposition of foam reduces the overall volume and restores a natural gas absorption through the intestinal wall, accelerates intenstinalny transit and increases the cumulative excretion of gases. For drugs in this group is Espumizan ®, the main active components of which are simethicone and dimethicone. Dimethicone is a silicon oil, the main constituent of which is a high molecular weight polymer of dimethylsiloxane.

Simethicone is a mixture of polydimethylsiloxane with the addition of 4-7% of powder of silicon dioxide (SiO2). As dimethicone and simethicone, sometimes called activated dimethicone not dissolve either in water or in ethanol. They do not change their structure and properties under the influence of oxidants, high temperatures are butter-and zhironerastvorimymi, resistant to any microorganisms. Espumizan ® is excreted without any changes, not Imbibing through the intestinal wall without affecting the liver and kidneys. It does not affect the metabolism of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. It can be used for a long time without any adverse reactions. In our investigation, whose purpose was to study the properties, we carried out tests Espumizan ® in the treatment of diseases associated with flatulence. The observation involved 68 children aged 4 to 15 years. The median age was 11 for 2 years, 32 boys and 34 girls.

Surveyed children suffered from various diseases (chronic inflammatory disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract: gastroduodenitis, duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis), accompanied by the phenomena of flatulence. Espumizan ® was administered as an emulsion of 10 ml 3 times a day for 5 days. The first day of the drug disappeared complaints of discomfort, recurrent abdominal cramps. An objective clinical study of the stomach in all the children had been soft, available to deep palpation. On palpation rumbling was noted. During auscultation of the abdomen tapped moderately expressed peristaltic noises. Gaza retreated easy, no more than 10 times a day.

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